Making the choice to move into an assisted living community can feel wonderful for a lot of seniors. Some elderly men and women, though, are a bit reluctant. They may feel as though they don’t have any other viable option or they were pressured into this by their children or other family members.
At the end of the day, there are numerous reasons why some men and women in their 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s are completely happy and even thrilled that they made this choice. In some cases, they could be thrilled with their choice before they even move in, but many of them become relieved and even extremely happy within the first couple of days or weeks.
Here are three reasons why some aging men and women ultimately become incredibly enthusiastic about the decision they made to choose assisted living.
Reason #1: They get the opportunity to make new friends.
When people are living at home alone, when they can’t get out and partake in various activities, they can feel isolated and alone. They may have friends still in the area, but if neither they or their friends have the ability to drive or use other transportation options, they may be limited to just a few phone calls.
By choosing assisted living, these men and women get an opportunity to not just potentially reconnect with friends they haven’t seen in many years, but to also make new friends, share common interests, and even be introduced to others they may never have otherwise crossed paths with.
Reason #2: The activities can be fun.
Every assisted living community is different, but when the activities are right in line with what the senior enjoys, it can be exciting. There could be something for them to look forward to every single week and possibly even every day.
By having things to do that are thoroughly enjoyable, it can help to boost quality of life.
Reason #3: Great support.
With highly experienced staff members at the right assisted living community, senior residents can get wonderful support. Whether they need emotional encouragement, some advice on various activities that may be taking place, or physical assistance to get into and out of the shower, out of bed, or just down to the dining facility, they can usually get it, at least to some degree, at most facilities.
If these three reasons aren’t enough, an elderly person who might consider assisted living is encouraged to go on a tour and see firsthand what it can offer them.
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