Discovering Your Senior Loved One’s Assisted Living Expectations

Many seniors struggle with the idea of assisted living because of the common misconceptions surrounding it. Here are a few tips on helping them overcome these misunderstandings.

Supporting a Senior Parent in Assisted Living From Afar

It can be a struggle to support a senior parent when you don’t live near their assisted living community. Here are a few tips to continue supporting them from afar.

Increasing Enthusiasm About the Idea of Assisted Living

The transition into assisted living can be stressful, but encouraging your senior loved one’s enthusiasm about the change can be very helpful.

3 Ways Your Senior Lives Healthier with Assisted Living

Assisted living offers your senior loved one a variety of benefits, but did you know it can help encourage a healthier lifestyle? Here’s how.

Fun Outdoor Assisted Living Activities for Seniors

There is a variety of outdoor activities that seniors can enjoy while at assisted living that makes their free time a little more fun. Here are a few examples!

Ways to Make Assisted Living Transitions Easier for Seniors

Moving to assisted living can be a difficult change for most seniors. Here are a few ways to make that transition easier for them.

Can Seniors Enjoy Assisted Living on a Short-Term Basis?

Assisted living has a variety of care options to either transition your senior loved one into a community or offer short-term respite care.

Addressing Fears of the Unknown with Assisted Living

Fearing the unknown is one of the key factors and objections to why so many seniors never consider assisted living for themselves or their loved ones.

Handling Your Senior’s Complaints the First Week of Assisted Living

Every time you brought up the topic of assisted living or elder care, your senior loved one keeps dismissing it. How do you handle their objections?

The Importance of Assisted Living Properly Managing Medications

Medication management is just one of the important parts in choosing the right assisted living facility for yourself or a senior loved one.