How to Find the BEST Information About an Assisted Living Facility

There are plenty of ways to find information on just about any topic these days. With the Internet, we have information at our fingertips, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Five Great Reasons a Solid Social Life for Seniors STILL Matters

One of the most common misconceptions many of us have about seniors is that their desire for activity declines with age.

Three Key Questions You May Want to Ask an Elderly Parent After They’ve Enjoyed Respite Care at Assisted Living

Respite care is a great option that’s available at quality assisted living communities.

Long-Distance Caregiving Isn’t Easy, and That’s Why Assisted Living Respite Options Can Be So Valuable

Long-Distance caregiving is hard but assisted living is one of the better elder care options available to aging men and women.

Common Risk Factors of Bronchitis and How to Reduce the Risk

Bronchitis occurs when the tubes that bring air to your lungs (called the bronchial tubes) become inflamed and swollen.

At What Point Should You Discuss Other Elder Care Options for a Parent Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?

If you have a parent who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it might take you, your siblings, your spouse, your other parent, and even other individuals some time to process.

With Fall Around the Corner, Respite Care at Assisted Living Could Make a Wonderful Transition

Many people probably never thought they’d be able to say it, but, “Fall is just around the corner.” After a long, hot, difficult summer, it’s nice to think about cooler autumn air rolling in.

Three Questions to Ask When Searching for an Assisted Living Community

If you are searching for an assisted living community, for yourself, an aging parent, spouse, or friend, you may not know where to start.

Knowing the Different Elder Care Options Usually Leads People to Recognize the Value Assisted Living Offers

For most Americans, long-term or elder care is something way off in the distant future. They don’t even want to consider it before they’re 65 or 70.

When an Aging Parent Would Benefit from Overnight Care, Assisted Living May Be an Option

They struggled to be the support her mother required, but aside from some specific elder care options, they didn’t know where to turn.