Travel Tips for the Senior Staying at Assisted Living and Planning to Visit Family for the Holidays

An aging senior who has chosen assisted living for their home has made a great decision. Of all the elder care options, assisted living remains one of the best to consider.

Three Questions to Ask When Searching for an Assisted Living Community

Many seniors don’t fully understand what assisted living is all about, what it offers, or why they should seriously consider it.

Long-Distance Caregiving Might Make It Seem Difficult to Discuss Assisted Living with an Aging Parent

For adult children, it may be difficult to talk about assisted living or other elder care options with an aging parent.

At What Point Do You Start Talking About Long-Term Care with an Aging Parent (Such as Assisted Living)?

Even for somebody who can still take care of themselves for the most part, assisted living can offer a sense of community, wonderful activities, and an outlet for exercise, fellowship, and safety.

The Holidays Could Be More Enjoyable for You and Your Elderly Mother This Year Thanks to Assisted Living

If you’re one of the tens of millions of Americans who are supporting an aging parent, grandparent, spouse, or other loved one, and you’ve been doing it for many years, you already understand the holidays can be overwhelming.

Three Key Questions to Ask When Touring an Assisted Living Community

When you take a tour of an assisted living community in person or virtually these days, you should have an opportunity to ask questions.

Even Seniors Who Choose Assisted Living May Experience ‘Homesickness,’ and What You Can Do to Help

Even seniors who willingly and excitedly choose assisted living for their future may experience some sense of homesickness when they first move in.

Hobbies That Will Give Seniors A Sense of Purpose

One of the thing that many seniors struggle with is having a sense of purpose. Once they have retired seniors often feel like they have nothing to do with their time.

Dealing with Dementia and Denial: How Assisted Living Supports Loved Ones

When somebody you care about has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia, both of you may go through a series of steps before you reach true acceptance.

Tips for Downsizing Your Seniors Home

Whether you are the spouse of someone moving to assisted living or an adult child assisting a parent, you may play an important part in ensuring a seamless transition.