Learning to ‘Let Go’ and Let Mom Settle into Her New Assisted Living Community

Discussing assisted living was not something Jane really wanted to think about. That’s because she associated assisted living with a failure on her part.

Walks Can Be a Wonderful Activity for Any Senior, Including Those at Assisted Living

It’s not just the physical benefit a person can gain by walking regularly, it may also lift their spirits, give them an opportunity to spend quality time with another individual, and simply feel refreshed.

Could Assisted Living Be a Good Option for Two Aging Parents, Even Though One Doesn’t Need Support Right Now?

Thomas has refused to give up and has become her primary caregiver support. Even though it is taking a clear toll on his physical abilities and health, he doesn’t want to stop. 

Love Is Sometimes Telling a Person What They Don’t Want to Hear, Such as That Assisted Living Could Be a Wonderful Option

More and more these days it seems as though people define love as either just an emotional reaction or acceptance of every possible viewpoint.

How Can an Aging Senior Feel More at Ease Emptying Their Home as They Transition to Assisted Living?

It may sound like a harsh word: ‘emptying,’ at least in reference to cleaning out one’s home, going through personal possessions, and ‘thinning things out’ in order to move.

What Happens If a Senior at Assisted Living Begins Exhibiting Memory Related Challenges?

There could be numerous reasons an aging senior might begin struggling with his or her memory. It could be directly associated with the earliest signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s or some other type of dementia.

Should You Make the Decision About Assisted Living FOR Your Aging Mom?

We all want the best for our loved ones. You may have noticed your elderly mother is having difficulty maintaining the house.

The Unspoken Hazards of Living Home Alone and Why Seniors Benefit from a Quality Assisted Living Community

As a younger, healthier adult, you may have a tendency to overlook the various risks and hazards associated with everyday life.

Topics Like Assisted Living Have a Nasty Habit of Creating Tension in Otherwise Excellent Relationships

Tension happens in just about every relationship from time to time.

Three Amazing Benefits a Quality Assisted Living Facility Offers Older Americans

Assisted living may have a certain connotation within the minds of some people.