How to Handle an Aging Parent Who Just Won’t Talk About Assisted Living

It can certainly be frustrating when you’re trying to convince an aging parent about assisted living.

3 Reasons Assisted Living Is Ideal for Most Seniors

It may not seem like it to most people who have no experience, but assisted living is truly ideal for most seniors.

What Can You Do to Help Your Aging Mother Adjust to Assisted Living Better?

You may feel as though you made a mistake suggesting assisted living to your elderly mother.

Getting Frustrated Won’t Help Convince an Aging Parent to Consider Assisted Living

There can be plenty of reasons to feel frustration when trying to help an aging parent who seems to rebut every effort to discuss options.

Just Because You May Feel Relieved Mom’s Moving to Assisted Living Doesn’t Mean You Gave Up

Even if you have been more than willing to help wherever you can, the moment you begin taking care of an aging parent, grandparent, or somebody else you love who is of advancing years, you give up more and more of your life and time. 

Seniors Could Be Anxious About a Move to Assisted Living, Even When They’re Excited About It

Can somebody be excited about a move and still feel anxious? Absolutely. Moving is one of the top stressors in life. 

When Should You Consider Memory Care Assisted Living for a Parent Diagnosed with Dementia?

Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia and affects more than 5 million Americans right now.

Assisted Living Offers Wonderful Support for Seniors, but Family and Friends Are Still Important

Just because somebody chooses assisted living for their future doesn’t mean they don’t want or need the direct support of family and friends.

Determining the Dining Options an Assisted Living Facility Has Could Be Important for the Senior Considering This Option

Many of the seniors choosing assisted living as their home no longer want to be responsible for cooking, cleaning up after the meal, shopping for food, and so forth.

Yes, You DO Care About Mom by Suggesting Assisted Living

Some people can feel as though they don’t care or will be accused of that for simply suggesting assisted living to an aging parent or other loved one.