How to Avoid Tiptoeing Around the Topic of Assisted Living

The entire topic of assisted living might not be easy for some people to hear.

Separating from Your Best Friend: Why Assisted Living Doesn’t Mean ‘The End’ for a Longtime Marriage

Cheryl didn’t want to separate from her husband. Not now. Not when he needed her most. But, she was simply overwhelmed. They talked about assisted living and looked into several facilities in the area. 

Some Key Benefits Memory Care Assisted Living Offers Seniors with Dementia

Memory care is essential for somebody who has been diagnosed with a form of dementia.

Convincing Mom to Think About Assisted Living in the New Year

Perhaps you’ve carried on this conversation in the past with your elderly mother: assisted living.

What Will Happen at Assisted Living as State’s Relax Stay-at-Home Orders?

Some states are now relaxing their stay-at-home orders. While Covid 19 has been a serious pandemic, it is affecting seniors more than any other demographic.

Three Reasons Memory Care Assisted Living Is a Great Asset for Someone with Alzheimer’s

When somebody is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the world can certainly seem to be a frightening place.

Feeling Fatigued as a Family Caregiver? Assisted Living Offers a Wonderful Alternative

One of the greatest struggles middle-aged men and women (the vast majority of family caregivers happen to be women) will come in the form of looking after an aging parent.

Assisted Living Could Alleviate a Lot of Stress for an Aging Senior

When you are injured and have difficulty getting around, do you feel stressed? Most people do, especially if they have other people counting on them.

What Are Some Questions Your Mom Might Ask About Assisted Living?

It’s important not to get upset with any senior who may seem reluctant to discuss assisted living openly and honestly.

When You’re Feeling Stressed Caring for an Aging Parent, Look into Assisted Living

It’s no secret that a person can get extremely stressed looking after an aging parent or other family member who needs assistance.