If Mom’s Not Adjusting to Assisted Living Yet, Evaluate What You’re Doing to Help

Adjusting to a new environment can take a long time. For some people, making the adjustment to a new living environment to take months.

How Assisted Living Keeps Seniors Safe During Extreme Weather Conditions

This past winter was incredibly harsh across much of the country. It was a powerful reminder of just how intense Mother Nature can be.

Turn to Memory Care Assisted Living for an Aging Parent Dealing with a Brain Injury

When somebody suffers a brain injury, the consequences can be devastating. They can lead to significant or minor memory related challenges.

How Often Should You Call or Visit an Elderly Loved One Who Recently Moved into Assisted Living?

When an aging parent or other elderly loved one moves into assisted living, you want to check on them.

Can Your Senior Do More to Protect Her Eyes?

Your senior may have a little more ability to protect her eyes than she thinks.

Memory Care Is a Great Option for Seniors with Dementia

Dementia can affect anyone at any age, but it’s far more common for aging men and women.

Assisted Living Is Positively a Wonderful Option for These Amazing Reasons!

If you have been kicking around the idea of assisted living, either for yourself or an aging parent or other loved one, it is a great decision to make.

What Types of Activities Does an Assisted Living Community Offer Residents?

When people look into assisted living, especially elderly men and women, they don’t want to just give up on life.

How to Make Choosing an Assisted Living Community a Family Affair

Deciding on assisted living for yourself or an aging parent or other loved one may not be an easy decision.

Creative Activities at Assisted Living Can Help Those with Alzheimer’s

When a person is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or any other type of dementia, there is a long and difficult road ahead of them.