Memory Care Offers Some of the Best Support for a Senior with Advanced Alzheimer’s

Not all assisted living facilities are capable of handling memory care. It is important for you to understand how to find those that do.

You May Feel Bad Trying to Move an Aging Parent with Alzheimer’s to Assisted Living, but It’s a Great Choice

Your aging father had once commented that he never wanted to move into a ‘home.’ That’s probably what he called it, most likely thinking about a different type of facility, not assisted living.

Staying Positive When Planning a Move to Assisted Living

For some elderly men and women, making a move to assisted living might not feel like a choice. It may feel like a sour lemon.

Discover What Assisted Living Offers … with a Tour

Do you know what assisted living could offer you or somebody you care about? A lot of people have the wrong idea about assisted living.

Keeping Your Perspective Positive When Moving to Assisted Living

For some people, staying positive is a difficult thing. They see the negative in almost everything.

Three Ideas That Could Change a Loved One’s Opinion on Assisted Living

You might be meeting a wall of resistance when it comes to talking about assisted living with your elderly mother or father.

At What Point Do You Consider Memory Care Assisted Living for Mom?

When someone you love is struggling with age, perhaps cognitive decline, such as what one might expect when a person is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, for example, how can you cope?

Where Most Fears About Assisted Living Truly Come From

When it comes to assisted living, there are also many fears, but again, they are often rooted in the unknown.

Stretching, Going for a Walk, and Enjoying the Fresh Air: Is It Possible for Seniors at Assisted Living to Do This Yet?

With the global pandemic commonly referred to as coronavirus shutting down many states across this great land, it has impacted families, including seniors.

Can Seniors Still Drive, even When They’re at Assisted Living?

Just because an aging senior has chosen assisted living for their future doesn’t mean they can’t drive anymore.