Your Mom Might Not Think Assisted Living as a New Adventure, but it Certainly Could Be

Would you think of heading to the hospital for a lengthy stay as an adventure? Probably not. Most people wouldn’t.

Why Wouldn’t Mom Want to Live Closer to You When Selecting an Assisted Living Facility?

You may have expected your mother to move closer to you and your family, but you need to respect and support her decision.

Three Signs Your Aging Father Would Do Well at Assisted Living

More and more you are noticing that your father is reaching the point where living on his own can be a safety hazard.

Assisted Living May Easily Be the Best Choice for an Aging Parent, but Getting Them to Realize That Might Be a Tall Order

When you know that your elderly mother or father, or both, would benefit from assisted living, it may feel as though you are banging your head against the proverbial wall just trying to get them to listen.

What Are Some Signs Mom Is Adjusting Well to Assisted Living?

Not everyone is going to adjust to significant changes in their life at the same pace or in the same way, so it’s important not to get caught up in looking for these specific signs.

Summer Heat, Outdoor Activities, and How Assisted Living Keeps Seniors Safe

Summer is in full swing and that means intense heat is on the rise. Across much of the country, heat waves are now the norm, not the exception.

How Can You Possibly Relax When Worried About the Safety of an Aging Parent? Assisted Living Is the Answer

When living at one of these communities, your aging mother or father (or both) will be much safer than at home, especially if they are dealing with diminishing strength, mobility, and physical capability.

Summertime Fun at Assisted Living? You Betcha!

With summer now in full swing, there might be a number of activities taking place at a local assisted living facility. What could some of those fun activities be?

Learning to Weather the Storm of Alzheimer’s with Memory Care Assisted Living

Thankfully, when a person is first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it will generally still be in the early stages of the disease.

A Great Way to Help Soothe Mom During This Transition to Assisted Living

There may be a certain level of guilt you feel at this moment, having encouraged your mother to move from her house into a facility.