‘End of Life’ Planning Should Include Assisted Living, and It May Begin Part-Time Now, Too!

As a person heads toward those golden years of life, there’s often an increase in health related challenges they often face.

How Managing Diet and Nutrition Becomes Simpler for Seniors at Assisted Living

People barely understand what their nutritional needs are, let alone how to meet them in a society bombarding them with tasty alternatives. For seniors, diet and nutrition is critical, but it doesn’t get easier with age.

When You and Your Mom Are Snapping at Each Other More, Respite Support at Assisted Living Could Be the Answer You BOTH Need

Most people have no idea just how stressful it can and often becomes (being a family caregiver) until they do that type of work firsthand.

Increased Activity, Even Part-Time with Respite Assisted Living Can Improve Confidence and Esteem Among an Aging Senior

Imagine your health and physical ability was in such decline that you had to stop doing some or many of the things you loved.

Yes, Assisted Living’s Respite Care Option CAN Potentially Boost Self-Esteem for Weary Family Caregivers (and Seniors)

February is International Boost Self-Esteem Month and as people get older and their physical abilities diminish (they lose strength, health issues increase, etc.), they may lose confidence in their abilities.

When the Year Already Feels Like it’s Slipping Away from You While Caring for an Aging Parent, Assisted Living Offers Relief, even Short-Term

It may seem that New Years Day is already well behind you, fast fading into the rearview mirror of your life, along with any potential resolutions to improve your life.

When You Struggle to Care for an Aging Parent, an Assisted Living Facility May Offer Short-Term Solutions

Elderly Care in Mobile AL: Stress can get to just about anyone at any time. Just because you may be looking after your elderly mother, something you view as your responsibility, doesn’t mean you can escape the stress this type of work can impose on you.

How Much Medical Support Could a Senior Receive at Assisted Living?

Some people conflate assisted living with other facility style care options, but a quality assisted living community should stand apart from all others.

One Slip in the Bathtub Is All it Takes, Which Is Why Assisted Living Is a Conversation to Have Now

How many times can you remember slipping while stepping into or out of the tub or shower surround or while you were lathering up?

One Overlooked Benefit of Respite Assisted Living Care Is That it Allows You to Cling to Your Composure Again

The more you know and understand about respite care services at a quality assisted living facility, the more you will certainly understand and appreciate the benefits it can offer.