Selling a Home Can Be Frustrating, and These 4 Tips Will Help Any Senior Prepare for the New Elder Care Adventure Awaiting Them

When an aging senior is planning a move, such as to assisted living, it makes sense to sell their home. There’s no real point for an aging senior to continue holding onto a home when they are transitioning to an assisted living facility.

Breaking Down the Excuses Seniors Can Use About Assisted Living That’ll Show Them It’s a Great Option

Within the realm of elder care, assisted living is one of the best options, yet not many seniors realize this. In fact, a lot of elderly men and women discount assisted living for one reason or another.

You Don’t Need to Break Your Back Helping Mom When Assisted Living Offers to Step in and Help (even Part Time)

Being a family caregiver is a tremendous responsibility.It seems, at times, like you’re burning the candle at both ends.

Three Ways Assisted Living Provides Temporary Care Solutions to Aging Seniors

Assisted living provides many wonderful options for aging men and women. Some people may be surprised to learn that certain elder care facilities like assisted living may also provide respite care options.

Mom Would Benefit from Short-Term Care, and Assisted Living Could Be the Answer

If your mother is struggling and would benefit from some type of elder care, you may have volunteered to support her, especially if you live in the area.

What Activities Could an Assisted Living Community Offer a Senior with Alzheimer’s?

Assisted living, especially memory care, is a great elder care option for seniors who have been diagnosed with some form of dementia, of which Alzheimer’s is just one.

Instead of Worrying About Home Maintenance, Dad Could Be ‘Living it Up’ at Assisted Living

If your father is struggling to maintain his home, clean out the gutters, take care of the lawn, and do basic repairs, or even cleaning around the house, it’s time to consider another elder care choice: assisted living.

Even Though You May Not Be Able to Visit a Grandparent in Assisted Living, What About Writing a Letter?

April is National Card and Letter Writing Month and that means now is the perfect opportunity to sit down and write a heartfelt letter to someone you love, a family member like a parent, grandparent, or even an aunt or uncle who is at assisted living.

What If Mom Still Has a Pet? Can She Choose Assisted Living Still?

A major stumbling block for some seniors when it comes to choosing assisted living is the notion that they can’t bring their beloved pet.

How Much ‘Medical Care’ Could a Senior Receive at Assisted Living?

If you are a senior, you might be considering assisted living. It is a wonderful option, but what if you have certain medical needs that aren’t being met at home?