Now That About 70 Percent of Seniors May Require Long-Term Care, How Can Mom Afford It?

According to some recent estimates, medical professionals believe almost three-quarters of seniors at this point have required or will require some type of long-term care.

When Tina Moved to Assisted Living, She Discovered There Was Still So Much She Could Do

When some people face new challenges in life as they get older, they can get down on themselves. They can get depressed.

Seniors Who Rely on Overnight Care at Assisted Living Often Have a More Positive Outlook on Life

Being positive is a goal of most people. Few individuals honestly prefer to have a negative mindset, but for some seniors, it becomes difficult to remain hopeful or positive in many settings.

Even If Dad Refuses Assisted Living, Did You Know There Are Ways He Might Just Be Convinced?

There are many misconceptions seniors and their loved ones have about assisted living, which often lead them to not even consider it as an option.

Ways Seniors Can Build Stronger Relationships with Grandkids, Even When Leaning on Elder Care Support

Once the pandemic hit, spending quality time one-on-one became much more complicated, especially at elder care facilities, like assisted living.

What Three Things Should Your Aging Mother Get Ready for a Move to Assisted Living?

Assisted living is truly one of the best, most effective, and safest elder care options available for many seniors.

Seniors Can Improve Their Fitness at Assisted Living

Getting in shape is often a goal of millions of Americans. It doesn’t matter whether they are in their 20s, 40s, 60s, or even 80s.

4 Ways Life For Seniors Changes After A Stroke

After your senior loved one has had a stroke they may have a hard time adjusting to all the changes that they will need to make.

What If Mom Calls and Begs You to Take Her from Assisted Living When She First Moves In?

Depending on the facility, there may be wonderful activities, entertainment options, transportation services, friends to make, and much more that your mother might soon discover.

Why Swimming Can Be a Wonderful Activity for Seniors Depending on Elder Care

There are many benefits that swimming or water aerobics offers aging men and women.