If you were to walk down the street and ask just about anybody you met if they know anything about elder care, most would offer basic platitudes, if they had anything to say. That’s because most people don’t think about elder care until they or somebody they love requires assistance, especially on a regular basis.
For most Americans, long-term or elder care is something way off in the distant future. They don’t even want to consider it before they’re 65 or 70.
During the normal hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s about survival in the moment, not worrying about what may or may not happen 10 or 20 or 50 years into the future.
For seniors, though, elder care is a topic that should be discussed as early as possible. Most people have either no clue what elder care options there are, including assisted living, or they have misconceptions about what it is.
For example, too many seniors associate assisted living with another type of elder care, one that is more medically focused and has a poor reputation. In truth, assisted living is one of the best options for aging seniors who may have various challenges with their abilities, health, or other issues.
The more you know about elder care, especially assisted living, the more it can help an elderly person in your life — or yourself — make a quality decision about their future.
That’s because it can help dispel misconceptions.
There are many myths and misconceptions about nearly every topic imaginable out there today. With social media, texting, and 24/7 new cycles, there’s a lot of disinformation, including from outlets we once considered infallible and trustworthy.
If it’s that bad with our daily news, how bad can it be with topics like assisted living? It’s easy to get the wrong information, the wrong ideas, and even maliciously misleading advice.
When you dig in and do your own research, you will know the difference between various elder care options, including that assisted living offers a high quality of life on the senior’s terms for the future.
People realize assisted living is not like other forms of care.
There may be people at assisted living who require some medical care daily. Depending on the facility, that may well be provided. If they require machines and constant monitoring, though, assisted living may not be the option for them at that stage in their life.
For others, though, even some who are dealing with Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia, assisted living can be a valuable asset that helps them feel comfortable and safe.
Assisted living allows the senior to be supported all the time.
Around-the-clock care may not seem like a big deal, until you need it. If you have trouble getting out of bed to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, this could be the answer you’ve been hoping and praying for.
Assisted living also allows the senior to be respected at all times.
He or she may not feel that at home, whether being supported by family members or friends. At assisted living, though, they would get that respect and, for many people, that is vital.
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