It can certainly be difficult struggling to get through each day, especially with your health in decline, your physical capabilities diminishing, and if you’re navigating the days with your best friend, your spouse. Getting older is not for the faint of heart. It takes an emotional and mental resolve that is often developed through the trials and tribulations of younger adult life.
When a person begins struggling with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), they might lean on that spouse, a sibling, or even a close friend. Of course, it all depends on what those tasks happen to be.
Some ADLs can be quite personal.
Having trouble taking a shower could lead an aging senior to avoid asking an adult child who lives in town (or even in the same house) for help. So, that senior might either struggle and hope for the best or simply let their personal hygiene diminish.
Assisted living can certainly be a valuable resource people may wish to consider, but because it’s not anything remotely the same as a nursing home, too many people have misconceptions about it.
Just because assisted living doesn’t offer the same level of medical support, it doesn’t mean they don’t help at all.
In fact, the name ‘assisted living’ is derived from the idea that seniors can receive some physical assistance for a number of tasks throughout the day. It is also characterized by a facility designed for residents to no longer have to worry about general maintenance or cleanliness of their own homes or apartments.
Some aging residents might require assistance getting out of bed some mornings. For example, an elderly resident at a quality assisted living facility might be diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. On certain mornings the arthritis can be so painful they struggle just to climb up and get out of bed.
They can call on the services of a staff member at this assisted living facility to come into the room, assist them properly and safely, and even help guide them to the bathroom, the shower, or in getting dressed.
The best option is to seek experienced assisted living facilities.
An assisted living facility that employs inexperienced support staff is not looking out for the best interest of its residents. Sure, there will likely be new and inexperienced staff here and there, but there should also be highly trained, experienced, and dedicated professionals ready to assist residents if and when they require some limited physical support at any time of the day or night.
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