Assisted Living in Saraland AL
Chuck wasn’t the kind of guy who asked for help. He was a fiercely independent man who took care his family, his wife, and many of his friends. When his wife passed away, he felt completely devastated. It took a long time for him to get out of his depression and start re-engaging with life once again.
When his son, 55 years old at the time, recommended assisted living, Chuck was adamantly against the idea, almost to the point where he was getting angry. Eventually, though, his son, being persistent, convinced him to at least look into the option. He did and was completely surprised by what he found.
Here are five of the lessons Chuck learned by not just considering assisted living, but choosing it for his future.
Lesson #1: It’s nothing like what he expected.
Chuck discovered assisted living is nothing like nursing home care. That’s what he thought it was. He thought it was a place where elderly men and women went to live out the last of their days. He couldn’t believe how wrong he had been.
Lesson #2: There are plenty of people to meet.
Chuck realized he could meet a number of new friends. He also reconnected with people he had lost touch with many years ago. It was a great surprise, especially getting to reconnect with some really good friends from decades earlier.
Lesson #3: The staff are incredible.
Not every assisted living facility is the same, but when you choose a good one, you begin to realize the staff are kind, compassionate, and engaging. They truly do want their elderly clients, those residents, to be as comfortable as possible.
Lesson #4: It’s not a prison.
Just because he was moving into this new home didn’t mean he was going to be relegated to stay there every single day. They actually provided transportation to take residents to the mall, other shopping plazas, and elsewhere.
He could come and go as he pleased, his family and friends can visit, and it was a great way to feel energized about life again.
Lesson #5: He was able to get exercise.
The assisted living facility Chuck chose had an exercise room on the premises. This meant he can go down there, be supervised by an experienced staff member, and get exercise when he needs. That helped him maintain some of the strength he had been losing, and feel great throughout the day.
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